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Letter from an editor: anger and hope in the face of imperialist barbarism

Letter from an editor: anger and hope in the face of imperialist barbarism

In Defence of Marxism

Monday, 6 May 2024 


Letter from an editor: anger and hope in the face of imperialist barbarism

The following letter was written by an editor of, Jorge Martín. Every day, the capitalists’ own media outlets show the horrors of this system. From the deaths of child refugees in Europe, to the victims of the western-backed genocidal war on Gaza. Who are the killers? Our own callous politicians.


Australia: capitalism can’t solve epidemic of violence against women

Across Australia, tens of thousands have demonstrated over the last week against a significant rise in violence against women, with one woman being killed by an intimate partner every four days so far this year. These sickening crimes have evoked a righteous anger against the daily oppression and violence suffered by women across the country, yet the ruling class and the system they represent have offered nothing but hypocrisy, hollow consolation and barefaced arrogance in return.

Nem um centavo nem uma bala para a máquina de guerra israelense: declaração sobre a onda de protestos estudantis em solidariedade a Gaza

Nos Estados Unidos, mais de 60 universidades e faculdades viram estudantes e professores organizarem acampamentos em um movimento crescente contra o massacre em Gaza. Toda uma geração está se politizando e tirando conclusões sobre a natureza do imperialismo, o papel da polícia e do Estado e a necessidade de uma ação coletiva.