Montreal Marxist Winter School – this Saturday! Image: Fightback As a sign of the growing popularity of revolutionary ideas, the Montreal Marxist Winter School has been growing steadily over the years, to become the largest Marxist event in Quebec and Canada. The 12th edition of the Marxist School will be held on Zoom this weekend, February 19, 20 and 21, 2022.With a few days to go before the School starts, there are already over 900 people registered! If you haven’t registered yet, do it now!Here is the updated schedule and suggested readings for those who wish to prepare for the various sessions.IN DEFENCE OF MARXISMSaturday, February 19th, 10:00AM EST Introduction to the Revolutionary Philosophy of Marxism The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism – Lenin Marx was right! Karl Marx – Lenin Our introductory booklets, including Marxist philosophy and historical materialism (available in print or PDF version through our store). HOW ARE THE WORKERS EXPLOITED? THE LAWS OF CAPITALISMSaturday, February 19th, 2:30PM EST Introduction to Marxist Economics (This text is included in our introductory booklet on Marxist economics, which also includes Karl Marx’s Wage Labour and Capital – available in print or PDF version through our store). THE INDIGENOUS STRUGGLE: IN DEFENCE OF A MARXIST PERSPECTIVESaturday, February 19th, 2:30PM EST Indigenous Struggle and the Fight for Socialism (you can also order the print version through our store). ‘Decolonization’ doesn’t mean anything The Liberal project to create an Indigenous bourgeoisie The 1990 Oka crisis: Lessons for today WHAT IS TRUTH AND IS IT POSSIBLE TO KNOW IT?Sunday, February 20th, 10:00AM EST In Defence of materialism In Defence of Hegel Marxism vs Postmodernism MARXISM AND ARTSunday, February 20th, 10:00AM EST Marxism and art: introduction to Trotsky’s writings on Art and Culture Literature and Revolution – Leon Trotsky Art and Revolution – Leon Trotsky (book available in print version through our store) Art and Class Struggle Beethoven: man, composer and revolutionary Shostakovich, the musical conscience of the Russian Revolution 1972 QUEBEC GENERAL STRIKE: THE FORGOTTEN REVOLUTIONSunday, February 20th, 2:30PM EST 45 years since the 1972 Quebec general strike 29 octobre 1971 : un tournant dans l’histoire du mouvement ouvrier québécois – In French only 1971 CSN Manifesto : Ne comptons que sur nos propres moyens, with a foreword on the general strike of 1972 (available in print or PDF version through our store) – In French only Michel Chartrand, le plus grand révolutionnaire de la classe ouvrière québécoise – In French only MARXIST THEORY OF RENTSunday, February 20th, 2:30PM EST*As this is potentially a more challenging session, we recommend that attendees familiarize themselves with the labour theory of value and the concepts of labour power and surplus value. As a good place to start, we recommend Introduction to Marxist Economics. (This text is included in our introductory booklet on Marxist economics, which also includes Karl Marx’s Wage Labour and Capital – available in print or PDF version through our store).Other suggested readings: In Defence of Marx’s Labour Theory of Value Parasitical landlordism and the Marxist theory of rent The Housing Question – Friedrich Engels From the book by Alan Woods Reformism or Revolution – Chapter 6: An outline of Marxist economics Why are there tent cities in Canada? MARXISM AND ALIENATIONMonday, February 21st, 10:00AM EST Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 – Karl Marx The fetishism of commodities, Capital, chapter 1 – Karl Marx Alienation and the future of humanity, extract of Reason in Revolt (also available in print version through our store) MARXISM AND THE RIGHT-WING FRENZY OVER “CRITICAL RACE THEORY”Monday, February 21st, 10:00AM EST Marxism and the Right-Wing Frenzy over “Critical Race Theory” Why capitalism needs racism USA: Black Struggle and the Socialist Revolution (available in print or PDF version through our store) Marxism vs Identity politics : How to fight oppression (available in print or PDF version through our store) PREPARING FOR THE WORLD REVOLUTIONMonday, February 21st, 2:30PM EST 2021 World Perspectives: A worldwide epoch of revolution is being prepared Kazakhstan: President calls in foreign troops to smash protest movement Omicron variant: a menace of capitalism’s making What has caused the unfolding chaos in the world economy? Shortages and bottlenecks expose the anarchy of the capitalist system