1917 Leon Trotsky

Title Created Date Author
Speeches at a Meeting of the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.) November 14 (1), 1917 14 November 1917 V.I. Lenin
Wireless Message Of The Council Of People’s Commissars 12 November 1917 V.I. Lenin
From The Council Of People's Commissars To The Revolutionary Military Committee 11 November 1917 V.I. Lenin
Meeting of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee 10 November 1917 V.I. Lenin
Wireless Message 09 November 1917 V.I. Lenin
Foreword to: How the Socialist Revolutionaries Cheated The People and What the New Bolshevik Government Has Given the People 09 November 1917 V.I. Lenin
Direct-Line Conversation With Helsingfors 09 November 1917 V.I. Lenin
Conference of Regimental Delegates of the Petrograd Garrison 09 November 1917 V.I. Lenin
Draft Regulations On Workers’ Control 08 November 1917 V.I. Lenin
Second All-Russia Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies 07 November 1917 V.I. Lenin
Meeting Of The Petrograd Soviet Of Workers' And Soldiers' Deputies 07 November 1917 V.I. Lenin
To the Citizens of Russia! 07 November 1917 V.I. Lenin
Letter To Central Committee Members 06 November 1917 V.I. Lenin
To All Party Members And To All The Working Classes Of Russia 05 November 1917 V.I. Lenin
From The Central Committee of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (Bolsheviks) 05 November 1917 V.I. Lenin
Reply To Questions From Peasants 05 November 1917 V.I. Lenin
Letter to Comrades 30 October 1917 V.I. Lenin
Draft Rules For Office Employees 30 October 1917 V.I. Lenin
Meeting of the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.) October 29 (16), 1917 29 October 1917 V.I. Lenin
Meeting of the Central Committee of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.) October 23 (10), 1917 23 October 1917 V.I. Lenin