1917 Leon Trotsky

Title Created Date Author
A Bird in the Hand or Two in the Bush 21 June 1917 V.I Lenin
The Great Withdrawal 21 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
An Epidemic of Credulity 21 June 1917 V.I Lenin
The Use of Sticking to the Point in Polemics 21 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
The Enemies of the People 20 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
Is There a Way to a Just Peace? 20 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
Note 20 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
An Alliance to Stop the Revolution 19 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
Gratitude 19 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
The Diehards of June 3 Favour an Immediate Offensive 19 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
Economic Dislocation and the Proletariat’s Struggle Against It 17 June 1917 V.I.Lenin
The Thousand and First Lie of the Capitalists 17 June 1917 V.I.Lenin
First All-Russia Congress of Soviets of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies 16 June 1917 V.I.Lenin
The Laugh Is On You! 16 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
Bolshevism and “Demoralisation” of the Army 16 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
Forward! 15 June 1917 Leon Trotsky
It Is Undemocratic, Citizen Kerensky! 15 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
A Mote in the Eye 14 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
Infamy Justified 14 June 1917 V.I. Lenin
Letter to the Editor 13 June 1917 V.I. Lenin