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“Plaza Roja”: Cientos de miles de trabajadores y jóvenes toman las calles de Roma
Spanish translation of “Red square”: hundreds of thousands of workers and youth take to the streets of Rome (October 25, 2007)‘Rode Plein’: honderdduizenden trekken straat op in Rome
Dutch translation of “Red square”: hundreds of thousands of workers and youth take to the streets of Rome (October 25, 2007)Pakistán: Los oprimidos despiertan de su sueño, el sabotaje no les detendrá
Spanish translation of Pakistan: The oppressed awaken from their slumber – sabotage won’t stop them (October 22, 2007)Éxito del encuentro de FRETECO del 18 de octubre
Durante las ultimas semanas los trabajadores organizados en Freteco han recibido buenas noticias: la primera el pasado martes 16 de octubre durante una reunión con la ministro de MilCo Maria Cristina Iglesias, los trabajadores de Inveval recibían la noticia de que INVEVAL se iba a considerar una empresa socialista.Suiza entra en un nuevo período de turbulencia y lucha de clases
Spanish translation of The heat is on: Switzerland is entering a period of turmoil and class struggle (October 15, 2007)Tres millones de personas reciben a Benazi Bhutto. El legado de 1968-69 continúa
Spanish translation of Three Million Receive Benazir Bhutto - the legacy of 1968-69 continues (October 19, 2007)Cuarenta años de la muerte del Che Guevara
Spanish translation of Forty years since the death of Che Guevara (October 9, 2007)Lançamento nacional da campanha “Tirem as Mãos da Venezuela”
Um importante passo na solidariedade internacional com a revolução venezuelana foi dado no dia 10/10, na Assembléia Legislativa de São Paulo (ALESP). Neste dia, no auditório Teotônio Villela foi lançada a campanha “Tirem as Mãos da Venezuela” no Brasil.“O 11 de setembro financeiro” – Lições da crise bancária
Portuguese translation of translation of “A financial September 11” - Lessons of the banking crisis by Alan Woods (September 25, 2007)Belgien: Marxist nominerad som ordförande för Socialistpartiet
Swedish translation of Belgium: Socialist Left candidate nominated for elections of party chairperson! (September 14, 2007)Belgien: Basis nominiert linkssozialistischen Kandidaten für die Wahlen zum Parteivorsitz
German translation of Belgium: Socialist Left candidate nominated for elections of party chairperson! (September 14, 2007)
Verslag van de IMT-wereldschool 2007
Dutch translation of 2007 World School of the International Marxist Tendency (September 7, 2007)Inestabilidad política en Japón
Spanish translation of Japan’s Political Instability by Adam Fulsom (October 8, 2007)Egipto: La Victoria de los trabajadores de Mahalla demuestra la debilidad del régimen de Mubarak
Spanish translation of Egypt: The victory of Mahalla workers exposes the weakness of Mubarak’s regime (October 4, 2007)Entrevista a Luis Valle, miembro de la dirección del Bloque Popular Juvenil (BPJ) de El Salvador
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