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Bolivia - Masseopstand vælter præsidenten
Danish translation of "Bolivia: a mass insurrection overthrows the president" By Jorge Martín (October 18, 2003)בוליביה: המהפכה הולכת ומתרחבת
Hebrew translation of "Bolivia: the revolution becomes more widespread." By Jorge Martín (October 17, 2003)شورش در «لاپاز» بوليو
Persian translation of "Bolivia - Insurrection in La Paz" By Jorge Martín (October 14, 2003).
שביתה כללית בפעם נוספת בניגריה.
Hebrew translation of "Once again a general strike in Nigeria - The tasks posed before the leaders of the Nigerian labour movement" by Fred Weston (October 8, 2003)Lärdomar av Chile 1973
Swedish translation of Lessons of Chile 1973 by Alan Woods (January 1979)
מרד המלחים של הצי בריטי-הודי – 1946
Hebrew translation of "The 1946 rebellion of the sailors of the British Indian Navy" By Lal Khan (September 2003).העמדה של עורכי הרבעון המרקסיסטי באסיה.
Hebrew translation of "Autumn 2003 Asian Marxist Review editorial statement" By Lal Khan (September 15, 2003).9/11 – 2 Jahre danach
German translation of September 11 - two years on.פיליפינים: 300 חיילים מרדו על מנת לחשוף מה עומד מאחורי "המלחמה על הטרור"
Hebrew translation of "Philippines: 300 troops mutiny unmasks "war on terror" By Felix Zorba (August 4, 2003)הפגנות ענקיות בהונג קונג. הברירה שלפני התנועה לדמוקרטיה.
Hebrew translation of "Mass Demonstrations in Hong Kong - The choice before the pro-democracy movement" By David Hughes (July 16, 2003).O desastre que cambiou Galiza
"Todo sigue igual en Galicia". Esta é a mensaxe que o Partido Popular está pregoando a raíz dos resultados electorais das eleccións municipais do 25 de maio. Tanto Aznar como Fraga tratan de transmitir arreo a idea de que as eleccións demostraron que o apoio ó PP segue intacto e que, polo tanto, as masivas mobilizacións ocorridas foron un exercicio inútil.Desastre do PPrestige Desastre do capitalismo
Mexan por nós... pero temos que dicir ¡basta! Desde o inicio do desastre do Prestige, o PP tomouse o tema á lixeira. Tan á lixeira, que Fraga, Álvarez Cascos e os seus séquitos (conselleiro de Medio Ambiente incluído) se foron de cacería mentres o Prestige espallaba fuel polas costas galegas, confiando, como dixo Fraga, en que “Dios y el apóstol Santiago nos ayudarán”. E así nos foi.O capitalismo é o problema
This is the Galician translation of the Spanish leaflet El capitalismo es el problema distributed by the Galician Marxists of El MilitanteVenezuela: revolutionen trues af økonomisk sabotage
Danish translation of "Venezuela: the revolution faced with economic sabotage" By Miguel Campos (June 28, 2003)Studentenproteste legen Schwächen des Regimes im Iran offen
German translation of "Student protests reveal weakness of the Iranian regime".
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