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Grecia: Gli studenti attaccano le stazioni di polizia in tutto il paese!
Italian translation of Greece: massive school student attack against police stations all over the country! (December 10, 2008)France: Le Congrès National du PCF
Le Congrès National du PCF se tiendra, à La Défense, du 11 au 14 décembre. Par la voie des amendements adoptés par les sections et les conférences départementales, les militants du parti ont exprimé leur volonté d’insuffler à la « base commune » des prises de position plus fermes, plus militantes – en un mot plus communistes – que les idées réformistes du texte présenté par le CN sortant.La mayor huelga en Chile en 40 años termina en victoria
Internationales Manifest: In Verteidigung des öffentlichen Bildungssystems und gegen die Privatisierungspläne
German translation of Manifiesto Internacional: En defensa de la enseñanza pública y contra los planes de privatización (November 23, 2008)Τρεις συνδικαλιστές ηγέτες δολοφονήθηκαν στη Βενεζουέλα
Greek translation of Three trade union leaders killed in Venezuela (November 30, 2008)EEUU: Los trabajadores ocupan una fábrica en Chicago
Spanish translation of USA: Workers Occupy Chicago Factory (December 8, 2008)Gran oleada de movilizaciones por toda Grecia, la policía asesina a un estudiante
Spanish translation of The Greek police kill school student – big wave of mobilisations all over Greece (December 8, 2008)La polizia spara ad uno studente - grande ondata di mobilitazioni in tutta la Grecia
Italian translation of The Greek police kill school student – big wave of mobilisations all over Greece (December 8, 2008)Eleições na Venezuela: Vitória do PSUV, mas com um alerta!
Adaptação de texto da Corrente Marxista Revolucionária - seção venezuelana da CMI.Manifesto Internazionale: A difesa dell'istruzione pubblica e contro i piani di privatizzazione
Italian translation of Manifiesto Internacional: En defensa de la enseñanza pública y contra los planes de privatización (November 23, 2008)Venezuela: Los trabajadores de Vivex ocupan la fábrica y exigen la nacionalización
Spanish translation of Venezuela: Vivex workers take over the factory and demand nationalisation (December 4, 2008)Combater o racismo e unir a classe operária
No dia da consciência negra, deputados aprovam na câmara em Brasília as cotas sociais e raciais para acesso à universidade. Mas qual o real significado disso?¿Qué hay realmente detrás de la crisis alimentaria?
Spanish translation of What is really behind the food crisis? (November 28, 2008)Wahlen in Venezuela – ein Sieg für die PSUV, aber auch eine Warnung für die Revolution
German translation of Venezuelan elections: a victory for the PSUV, but a warning for the revolution (November 27, 2008)Kontrol Buruh dan Nasionalisasi – Bagian I
Bahasa Indonesia translation of Workers’ Control and Nationalization - Part One (January 13, 2006)
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