Other languages Albanian Belarusian Bengali Catalan Chinese Czech Danish Dutch Esperanto Japanese Georgian Kurdish Pashto Hindi Malay Indonesian Persian Greek Gaeilge Hungarian Vietnamese Turkish Swedish Hebrew Polish Russian Romanian Korean Slovenian Thai Nepali Serbo-Croatian Galician Norwegian Macedonian Burmese
Spagna, 13 novembre: successo dello sciopero generale studentesco
Italian translation of Spain: November 13, another hugely successful student general strike (November 14, 2008)Alan Woods über die Russische Revolution - Teil 2, “Trotzki verteidigte die wahren Traditionen des Leninismus"
German translation of Alan Woods on the Russian Revolution – Part Two, “Trotsky defended the genuine traditions of Leninism” (October 2008)Italia: la lucha pasa a un nivel superior
Spanish translation of Italy: the struggle moves onto a higher level (November 26, 2008)Venezuela: Los trabajadores de INVEVAL protestan contra el sabotaje burocrático
Entrevista a José Quintero miembro del Comité de fábrica de INVEVAL.Venezuela: Elecciones regionales - Victoria del PSUV aunque se encienden las luces de alarma
Crise: Que os patrões paguem a conta! (3ª parte)
Portuguese translation of The Crisis: Make the bosses pay! - Manifesto of the International Marxist Tendency – Part Three (November 6, 2008)Venezuela: Neraca Pertama dari Pemilu
Bahasa Indonesian translation of Venezuela: A first balance sheet of the elections (November 24, 2008)
لال خان کی نئی کتاب پاکستان کی اصل کہانی
Urdu translation of Pakistan: The revolution betrayed – an introduction to "Pakistan’s Other Story - The 1968-69 Revolution" (October 20, 2008)En første status over lokale valg i Venezuela
Danish translation of Venezuela: A first balance sheet of the elections (November 24, 2008)أزمة الرأسمالية العالمية - الجزء الثاني
Arabic translation of World capitalism in crisis – Part Two (September 26, 2008)اوباما کی فتح ،ڈیموکریٹس کے سکول میں خوش آمدید
Urdu translation of US elections: Welcome to the “School of the Democrats” (November 5, 2008)Venezuela: Primer balance de las elecciones regionales - El PSUV gana 17 gobernaciones
Las elecciones en Venezuela
Spanish translation of The elections in Venezuela (November 21, 2008)Les élections au Venezuela
French translation of The elections in Venezuela (November 21, 2008)عظیم بالشویک انقلاب کی سالگرہ پرریلیاں اورسیمینار
Urdu translation of Bolshevik Day in Pakistan: Protests against privatisation, price hikes and unemployment (November 11, 2008)
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