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Congresso Pcf: grande successo dei marxisti
Italian version of France: Shift to the left and emergence of a Marxist wing in the PCF (November 3, 2008)Francia: Giro a la izquierda y surgimiento del ala marxista en el PCF
Spanish translation of France: Shift to the left and emergence of a Marxist wing in the PCF (November 3, 2008)Krisen: Lad arbejdsgiverne betale! - Manifest fra IMT - anden del
Danish translation of The Crisis: Make the bosses pay! - Manifesto of the International Marxist Tendency – Part Two (November 5, 2008)O Retorno de Karl Marx
Portugese translation of The return of Karl Marx (October 23, 2008)Krisen: Lad arbejdsgiverne betale! - Manifest fra IMT - første del
Danish translation of The Crisis: Make the bosses pay! - Manifesto of the International Marxist Tendency – Part One (November 4, 2008)أزمة الرأسمالية العالمية - الجزء الأول
Arabic translation of World capitalism in crisis – Part One (September 26, 2008)کارل مارکس کی واپسی
Urdu translation of The return of Karl Marx (October 23, 2008)Die Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA und die Arbeiterklasse
German translation of The U.S. Elections and the Working Class (September 10, 2008)Crisis en Pakistán
Spanish translation of Pakistan in Turmoil (October 29, 2008)Radicalisering van de jeugd in Japan
Dutch translation of Youth radicalisation in Japan (October 28, 2008)México y la crisis financiera: ¡Que la crisis la paguen los banqueros y empresarios!
Colombia: Las luchas obreras e indígena demuestran que se puede derrotar a Uribe
Islandia: ¿Qué ocurrió?
Spanish translation of Iceland – what happened? (October 28, 2008)Radicalización juvenil en Japón
Spanish translation of Youth radicalisation in Japan (October 28, 2008)Bolivia hacia el referéndum, ¿pero con qué Constitución?
Spanish translation of Bolivia to go to referendum, but on what Constitution? (October 27, 2008)
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