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Ce e de făcut? Sarcinile marxiştilor în situaţia de azi
Romanian translation of What is to be done? - The current situation and the tasks of the Marxists by Alan Woods (April 2003)
Det 21. århundredes vandaler
Danish translation of "Vandals of the 21st century" By Alan Woods (April 10, 2003)Ne yapmali? Mevcut Durum ve Marksistlerin Görevleri
Turkish translation of "What is to be done?- The current situation and the tasks of the Marxists". By Alan Woods (April 3, 2003).ההתנגדות העירקית הופכת למלחמה אנטי אימפריאליסטית
Hebrew translation of "Iraqi resistance is turning into an anti-imperialist war." By Fred Weston (April 3, 2003)."Demokracja" w USA
Polish translation of "Democracy" in America By John Peterson (April 1, 2003)המלחמה על עיראקככל שהבעיות גדלות, כן מתרבים השקרים.
Hebrew translation of "War on Iraq: The bigger the problems, the bigger the lies. By Fred Weston (March 28, 2003).המלחמה לא מתפתחת בהתאם לתוכנית
Hebrew translation of"The war is not going according to plan." By Fred Weston. (March 26, 2003)„Delenda est Carthago” - czyli o imperializmie amerykańskim w kontekście Iraku
This is the Polish translation of "Delenda est Carthago" - US imperialism hell bent on war with Iraq.Ce este marxismul?
Romanian translation of "What is Marxism?" by Rob Sewell and Alan WoodsAtentat na predsednika vlade Zorana Ðindica
Serbo-Croatian translation of Serbia - the firecracker at the centre of the Balkan powder keg. By Goran M. (March 13, 2003)Internationalt manifest mod krig i Irak
Danish translation of The In Defence of Marxism Manifesto on the imperialist war against Iraq. By Alan Woods and Ted Grant.Dwanaście pytań i odpowiedzi o wojnie w Iraku - Czyli treściwe antidotum na bełkot oficjalnych mediów
Polish translation of 11 preguntas y respuestas sobre la guerra imperialista en Iraq. A Sindicato de Estudiantes' leaflet.Economia mundial 2003: esperança i realitat
This is the Catalan translation of World economy 2003: hope and reality by Michael Roberts (December 29, 2002).
انقلاب ونزوئلا در خطر ا
Persian translation of "The revolution in Venezuela is in danger!" by Fred Weston (March 2, 2004). Available as a PDF file.
Venezuela: Muncitorii au învins reacţiunea
Romanian translation of Venezuela: Los trabajadores derrotan nuevamente a la reacción (6 de febrero, 2003)
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